How to eliminate proxies using the college attendance system?


Are you too annoyed by the proxy wars in your institutions? 

If yes, then we have good news for you. There’s a solution which can be used to eliminate such attendance challenges, the college attendance system. Yes you heard it right, college attendance management system comes handy in terms of efficient & accurate attendance marking, tracking & managing. 

Therefore in this blog we will be diving deep to discuss what is basically a contactless attendance system, its benefits & how it can solve the multi-location attendance tracking issue for educational institutions. 

What basically is a contactless attendance system?

A contactless attendance system employs cutting-edge technologies like RFID, biometrics, or facial recognition to register student attendance without direct physical contact. The contact less attendance system is the ecosystem which works on a tri-dimensional approach which consists:

1. Cloud Server: The cloud server is responsible to store the data safely & provide the data at the time of retrieval successfully. It is connected with software on the user end for seamless functionality.

2. Attendance Machine: An attendance machine is the device which helps in capturing attendance in the fastest way possible, they are either biometric, RFID or in best cases facial recognition based.

3. Software: The software helps the user to navigate seamlessly in the heap of stored information & also to generate desired reports at required time. The software basically serves as a medium to connect the hardware with the server along with granting the user several beneficial rights.

These components not only help to mark attendance in the fastest way possible but also helps to store the data in real time which can be retrieved at the time of need in the desired format.

How beneficial is classroom attendance software?

Any educational institution who has implemented a college attendance system, can’t deny these numerous benefits of classroom attendance software such as effortless report generation, real time data processing & attendance alerts. If equipped in a right ecosystem a classroom attendance software can serve the institution with the following:

Lightning-Fast Attendance Recording:

While the manual roll call method is time consuming, the college attendance system captures attendance within a fraction of second. This lighting-fast face recognition process saves effective time which can be streamlined further for education.

Error Reduction Mechanism

Another great feature of the college attendance system is it reduces the human errors & proxy’s. By automating data entry, it eliminates the frustration and inaccuracies linked with traditional methods, ensuring precise and reliable records.

Prompt Shortage Alerts:

Also the college attendance management system ensures that no student misses the exam due to attendance shortage. That’s why it automatically notifies the stakeholders to meet the attendance criteria in time.

Effortless Report Generation

Classroom Attendance also features comprehensive report generation, which allows the faculty to do those tedious administrative tasks such as subject-wise reports, percentage calculations & many more effortlessly in no time. The system also ensures that reporting becomes a seamless and efficient process.

Robust and Reliable Technology

The college attendance system’s hardware is purposefully designed for durability, longevity, and minimal maintenance, making it a reliable asset for educational institutions.

How to solve multi-location attendance problems using a centralised attendance management system?

For those college owners, who run multiple educational institutions at different locations, attendance management has always been a challenging task.The user can easily have access to these data anytime with the help of server connectivity & technology with the help of college attendance management system. It automates the attendance process, saving time, reducing errors, and providing insightful analytics for better decision-making.

To understand how a centralised attendance management system works, let’s understand this with an example. 

If you have a college A in Bangalore, college B in Orissa & college C in Mumbai. Now you want to gather information at your HQ in Delhi. You can opt for a centralised attendance management system to solve this purpose. For such scenario’s centralised attendance management system is a blessing which grants the user the flexibility to have all the gathered data stored at a single place. 

Summing Up 


Classroom attendance software extends beyond the conventional roll call, offering a dynamic solution for educational institutions. Embracing these innovations is not just a modernization step; it’s a commitment to the integrity and efficiency of educational processes.

In conclusion, the adoption of a contactless attendance system and centralised management marks a transformative leap in educational administration. The battle against proxies is won through the precision of technology, making attendance tracking not only foolproof but also an asset for academic institutions striving for excellence. 

5 Reasons to Invest in a Payroll Management System

As a faculty there are a certain number of things that you need to take care of while marking the student’s attendance. As simple as it sounds, we understand the true efforts required to mark & manage records of an usual medical or non-medical class with full strength. Be it to deal with the time compromised, proxy’s or the efforts required to maintain those attendance register.

That’s why RSBPL has come up with an efficient & accurate solution of taking student attendance online & in this blog we will be discussing the significance of using an attendance machine & the perks of taking online student attendance.

But the drawback of such systems are, they

  • Consumes lot of time & effort
  • are costly
  • require management

You might be wondering if not hiring the team to solve such a challenge, then what’s the solution?

The alternative to such an approach is the payroll management system and we will be discussing why? But let’s first understand what a payroll management system really is?

What is a payroll management system?


Payroll management system is an ecosystem that is designed to streamline the HR operations such as salary calculation, tax deductions & disbursements. It consists of several components such as payroll management software, server & system integration.

While the payroll management software integrates hassle freely with other systems such as attendance management systems, payroll management systems not only opens scope for automation but also leads to efficient forms of internal communication.

How does the employee payroll management system work?


An employee payroll management system operates comprehensively to handle the payroll process efficiently within an organisation. Here’s the er diagram of how an employee payroll management system generally works :

1. Employee Data Input: The process initiates by collecting the essential information of each employee which includes their personal info, bank details, tax details, more & storing them for future access.

2. System Integration: Majorly all the best payroll management software in India allows you the flexibility to integrate other systems such as accounting & attendance management that are being active in organisations. This eventually leads to efficiency & minimises human errors

3. Wages Structure: Payroll management software grants the HR department to underline various salary components for an employee such as Basic Salary, Allowances, TDS & other deductions as well as Bonuses

3. Automated Calculation: Once the wage structure has been set by the department, the payroll management software automatically calculates salaries while considering the crucial factors such as leaves, overtime & more

3. Compliance & Tax Calculations: Payroll management software allows the owner to incorporate tax regulations & deductions such as income tax, provident fund & many more while staying updated with tax laws and employment regulations

3. Direct Deposit: The best payroll management software in India often facilitates direct deposit, transferring salaries directly into employees’ provided bank accounts which eliminates the need of manual signed checks

3. Generation of Payslips: Automated generation of payslips for each employee, detailing their earnings, deductions, and net pay. Employees can often access these payslips through a self-service portal

3. Reporting and Analytics: Robust payroll management software provides reporting and analytics features, allowing HR professionals to generate various statements & reports related to payroll, taxes, and employee costs

What are the benefits of having an employee payroll management system?


An Employee Payroll Management System offers numerous benefits to organisations. Here are some key advantages:

● Effortless Salary Calculations

● Time-Saving Operations

● Ensured Regulatory Compliance

● In-Depth Reporting & Analytics

● Enhanced Data Security

● Streamlined Direct Deposit

● Effortless Salary Calculations

● Seamless Software Integration

● Economical Cost Management

● Improved Employee Contentment

Are you in search of a Employee Payroll Management System that has all this and more?


If you are looking for an employee payroll management system for all of this & more, then you are at the right place.

RSBPL has been delivering automated solutions to various industries such as healthcare, pharma, hospitality, food & beverages, education since 1996. Our team led by Sanjive Mehta (IIT DELHI), ensures cutting edge innovation with each product we deliver.

Everything is under one roof whether it’s inhouse software, hardware or unparalleled after sales customer support.

That’s why we were trusted by brands such as HERO Motocorp, Sharda University, Apollo Hospital, Ultratech Cement, Jaypee Group & many more.

From Manual Roll Calls to Face Recognition: Online Student Attendance Machine

As a faculty there are a certain number of things that you need to take care of while marking the student’s attendance. As simple as it sounds, we understand the true efforts required to mark & manage records of an usual medical or non-medical class with full strength. Be it to deal with the time compromised, proxy’s or the efforts required to maintain those attendance register.

That’s why RSBPL has come up with an efficient & accurate solution of taking student attendance online & in this blog we will be discussing the significance of using an attendance machine & the perks of taking online student attendance.

What is a Student Attendance Management System?


Student Attendance Management System is a new-age ecosystem consisting of various components such as attendance machine, software, and database storage. These components are specifically integrated to streamline the challenges in manual roll call attendance. The whole purpose of a student attendance management system is not only to automate the process but to make it more efficient & error-free. Let’s read further to learn how students’ attendance systems online operate.

How Does Student Attendance Online Work?


The process of taking student attendance online is quite simple yet efficient. While in the traditional roll call when the involvement for the proctor is mandatory, the attendance machine liberates the faculty to allocate their precious yet limited time to teaching. Let’s understand how it operates, step by step.

1. Instant Data Capturing: Students need to put their live face in the front of the device, it requires a fraction of second ~ less than 0.1 second to mark the attendance. Then the student can pass it on to their subordinate.

2. Data Storage: The attendance data that’s being recorded is immediately synchronised with the central server which can be retrieved anytime when needed.

3. User-Friendly Reporting: One of the significant advantages of a Student Attendance Management System is its user-friendly software. This software empowers teachers and administrators to generate detailed attendance reports at any time, from anywhere, by pulling data from the central server.

What are the benefits of Online Student Attendance Monitoring?


The transition to an Online Student Attendance Monitoring System offers numerous benefits for educational institutions. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

● Efficiency

With lightning-fast face recognition, the attendance machine marks attendance in less than a second, saving valuable teaching time.

● Accuracy

The face recognition technology ensures that attendance records are proxy-proof and accurate. The student attendance management system also reduces human errors significantly.

● Timely Shortage Alerts

The system provides immediate alerts for attendance shortages, allowing the stakeholders (parents, faculty) to take swift action to address attendance issues.

● Effortless Report Generation

Receive immediate alerts for attendance shortages, allowing for quick action. Keep students, teachers, and parents informed about attendance status in real time.

● Data Integrity

The chances of proxies are next to impossible as the machine marks attendance with live face recognition technology, ensuring the integrity of data.


As technology advances, it nurtures many thriving industries. But the end decision is ours: embrace what’s available or to stick with our current course. Remember history tells us that only those that evolve with time have succeeded. That’s why online attendance systems for students are a vital and powerful change for the educational ecosystem. Therefore, don’t let outdated inefficient attendance methods hold your institution’s growth. Embrace the technology with an online students monitoring system & witness the positive impact yourself.