RS-SAMS is a digitized Student Attendance Management System that makes Period Wise attendance tracking paper-less and hassle-free. Based on UGC rules, colleges allow students to sit for Semester Exams only if they have a minimum of 75% Attendance in each Subject. However, keeping track of this attendance figure is a laborious job as it is dependent on manual up-dation in existing ERP’s by teachers themselves.
RS Barcoders Pvt.Ltd, brings to you RS-SAMS which is an auto- attendance capturing system. Based on Time Tables the attendance is captured by facial recognition in the Classrooms using a portable device. The verification and punch capture is within less than 1 sec, making it a very fast attendance capturing system. So in effect the marking of attendance and the entry of attendance in the ERP takes less than one sec together! There is no delay in viewing the status reports for each Student. A comprehensive Semester Wise Report and percentage is auto-generated.
What are the problems with current attendance tracking?

Less time spent on teaching
With the current roll call method, teachers waste a lot of time in taking the Class Attendance. That time could have been spent in teaching instead.

Current status not updated
The attendance is updated by teachers manually in an existing ERP after they finish the class and go back to their Departments. So the status update is dependent on when the teacher makes the entry.

Chaotic Attendance Compliance
Under the UGC guidelines, it is mandated that only those students who have a minimum of 75% attendance can sit for Semester exams. This makes attendance compliance an essential part of college life. But who manages it? How efficiently do you keep track of this? In reality, as exam time approaches, students and teachers face massive chaos in sorting attendance timesheets. This chaos affects students' performance in their exams!

If permission is denied to a student to sit for the exam due to short attendance, a stressful situation is created for the Teachers, Students and Parents.
What are the problems with current attendance tracking?

RS-SAMS offers an attendance management solution in the form of portable attendance machines. This makes it cost-effective as a set of devices can be rotated between Sections and yet data is securely segregated.

Safe Attendance Solution
Post-Pandemic, assuring student safety from infection spread-while they are on-campus- is a considerable challenge. So every bit counts! The facial recognition technology used in RS-SAMS captures attendance with zero contact! Lecturers take the portable attendance machine and scan through students' faces sitting in the classes, and all data is stored.

Customized Reports
RS-SAMS gives detailed reports that are classified subject-wise and lecturer-wise; it segregates classes held v/s classes missed for each student, which makes it very easy for students to examine their attendance performance and plan out their schedules accordingly.

Automated Attendance Entry
Presently, colleges have ERP systems in place where lecturers have to manually enter the attendance data. As explained earlier this process besides being time consuming and error-prone is extremely stressful! RS-SAMS automatically transfers punches through Wifi, to the Server, making the old system of manual entry redundant.

Early Warning
As the attendance is up-dated live over Wifi, the percentage is auto-calculated for each Subject. The Students can check their own attendance and cover up classes where there is a short fall. If required Parents can also be kept informed whenever there is a shortfall in attendance in any subject.

Sturdy Device
The device comes with a long battery life of 8 hours. So it can be charged once a day and is good to go! It is in a Stainless Steel cover with rubber padding, making the device more durable.

The software auto-processes the punches against the Time Table to show percentages. It handles Regular/Lateral Entry and Backlog Students, Labs, and Elective periods, etc.
- Centralized Attendance System
- Mobile App for Field Staff Tracking
- Canteen Management
- Contractor Management
- Workforce Optimisation during Shift Change
- Disaster Management
- Payroll Management System