Manage leakages in Overtime Bill

Centralized Attendance Tracking System (RS-CATS) sends alerts to the Management about people at all levels who are putting in extra hours regularly . This issue can then be addressed immediately by studying the pattern and taking corrective action. This concern about the health of its Workforce sends the right signal to the people and has a direct impact by lowering attrition and increasing all round motivation also.

There is often a dilemma before an HR Manager on whether making people work extra hours regularly is better than recruiting more people. Are people working frequent extra hours just to earn more by not giving their best during the regular shift hours or is there genuinely more work. Thirdly, is the Overtime Bill genuine? Keeping this in mind RS-CATS calculates the extra hours only after the Manager has approved it. It also sends you alerts on people who are frequently doing extra hours.

Futuristic Manpower Planning Solution

For an HR Manager, Manpower Planning is an important task. We all know that there is Seasonal Absenteeism in all Organizations which need to be understood and analyzed. Reasons for absenteeism could be – going to villages for Harvesting, festivals, holidays of school-going children, etc.

This can impact the production and timely deliverables. Centralized Attendance Tracking System (RS-CATS) has a very useful graphical analyzer that highlights the Individual’s cyclical periods of absenteeism and using this report an HR Manager can know in advance who all could be going on leave and timely replacements can be made so that work does not suffer.

Measures/Plan extra work hours of Workforce

Centralized Attendance Tracking System (RS-CATS) gives live reports on the Extra Hours being put in by the Workforce across the selected period. Besides, the application can display how many people are putting in extra hours regularly. It is a significant report as it helps analyze the Cost to the Company vis a vis recruiting more people who work on regular working hours. Secondly, it is a known fact that there is an almost 61% increase in the injury hazard rate during overtime as compared to normal working hours.  

While all the extra hours being put in by people at senior positions do not translate into an increased cost to the Company, it is being increasingly found that chronic and lifestyle-related health issues are growing at a very rapid rate. It is being predicted that by 2025, more than 57% of the population will be suffering from such diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc. These are Stress-related diseases and stresses and long hours at the workplace would have a major share in cause.