Temperature & Attendance Monitoring With Mask & Face Recognition


Temperature and Attendance Monitoring is essential to prevent the current Corona Virus Pandemic from increasing by astronomical proportions every day. Staying in Lockdown state is not viable because of the obvious economic compulsions.

Face Masks and their Body temperature scanning compliance while entering the premises of any Factory / Office/ School/ College/ Mall/ Gym/ Shop etc. automatically makes it ensures safety, error free and easy to manage rather Security guard doing it manually. Manually performed tasks are subject to human follies and leave a wide scope for error. Errors in COVID-19 times can be very costly. Plus maintaining manually even simple records of

Are difficult and error prone.
RSHRIS provides a cost-effective and reliable Temperature and Attendance Monitoring solution to this challenge. A Visible Light Based Machine with Dual Camera and a Body Temperature sensor is installed at the entrance. The machine has an audio visible alarm which immediately goes ON in the case of a person not wearing a Face Mask or in the case of a person having a body temperature more than the Normal body temperature. The camera also takes a snap shot of the person entering in, so there is a photo record being maintained. The machine is connected to the network through a LAN wire or wire-less. This enables the security staff to view the persons entering On-line.

Please feel free to contact us for a demo.

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

RFID Based Vehicle Entry System for a Residential Society


Managing vehicle movement with security of a large and small residential society is an important task for RWA, Vehicle Tracking of is one of the key responsibilities for security guards of every society. In addition, Vehicle Security itself is a very important issue for every society. With theft of vehicles increasing, it has become an imperative for societies to address this issue. By automating this task by RFID Based Vehicle Entry System the society can save the cost of maintenance.

RSHRIS ‘s RFID based VEHICLE ENTRY SYSTEM automates the tracking of entry and exit of authorized vehicles with date and time. Simultaneously, restricting the entry of unauthorized vehicle at the gate for security of the Residential Society.

How do I get Vehicle Sentry for my society?

To know more about RFID Based Vehicle Entry System and to implement it in your society, kindly submit a sales request on Contact Us page and we will get back to you with the details.

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

Automates Effective HR Functions

How does your Organization’s Workforce behave? Is there a work pattern that can be seen? And does it signify anything? In Centralized Attendance Tracking System (RS-CATS), as an HR Manager, you can view the level of absenteeism, attrition rate, frequency of latecomers, frequent and long work breaks, the quantum of Overtime, etc

When these parameters are high in an Organization it is found that there is growing dissatisfaction amongst the Workforce. These Reports which we auto-analyze LIVE and give alerts for can help the HR Manager work on the motivational aspects of the Workforce. Once planned action starts on building the morale of the Workforce, RS-CATS would show the change in the working pattern.

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.