Why is Field Force Management important for Delivery Services?

Why get Field Force Management for your Organization?

Service-based industries are hugely running on delivery feature. Want to eat something? let’s order in! Want some groceries? let’s order in!

Every small aspect of our day-to-life has become delivery dependent. Especially with pandemic hitting the world. Stepping out is a risk and therefore regular chores are handled via online delivery.

What has that done? A daily visit by delivery drivers on the door?

Yes, it has!

So, how is the delivery service industry going to handle the soaring demand for delivery? The answer is in Field Force Management Solution.

What is Field Force Management Solution?


Field Force Management Application is a cloud-based attendance solution that offers multiple features for efficient and timely delivery. It’s GPS enabled technology helps Managers remotely monitor the real-time location of their delivery staff. This application allows Managers to assign tasks for every employee. Managers can even schedule tasks a week in advance ensuring effective delivery execution. This brings clear specification of tasks ensuring timely delivery for your customers.
Centralized Attendance Management lets your field staff sign in and sign out of work from their phone.
Delivery staff can simply obtain their schedule for the day and start working through it. The feature to check off completed tasks in the application brings precise data for Analysis.
The data stored in the application is useful for monthly payroll calculation too. Over-times, leaves can all be calculated with a click of a button giving a smooth system to work on.

Why is Field Force Management important for Delivery Services?


Field Force Management Solution is a complete package for the delivery industry. Virtual sign-ins and sign-offs, in-app scheduling, leave management, real-time staff tracking makes Field Force Management a necessity for the industry today. Since it is completely an app-based service it reduces the risk of Delivery Drivers of any community transfer of the pandemic. They can simply pick up their assigned deliveries from the warehouse and start making deliveries for the day. Delivery data stored in the application erases any discrepancy in the service.
Benefits of Field Force Management Application (Mobile App)
It can be downloaded from the Play Store in the Field Staff’s Smart Mobile Phone. This Mobile App can be linked to Cloud Software. On nominal monthly charges, both these can be activated. The Mobile App could perform the following tasks-
-Mark Attendance: The Employee can mark his START day by pressing an icon in the Mobile app. Similarly, he can END day through this App. To ensure accuracy and genuineness of the IN and OUT time, the Location, Date and Time are captured and sent to the Cloud application.
-Client Visits: The User can select the Client he is to visit and enter the tasks performed. When he submits the records, the Location, Date, Time, next Scheduled visit and Tasks done are sent from his Mobile Phone to the Cloud Server. The Management can view these entries online. The genuineness of these records comes from the GPS location capturing.
– Prevent buddy punching: To ensure that the Mobile Phone is with the correct person you can have a mandatory requirement of clicking a self-image on the Mobile phone every time an entry is made.
– Secure data: To ensure that the data is not lost, provision can be there to store the data Offline in the phone itself till the time internet connectivity is available. Once the internet is available the data can be synchronized automatically.
– Low battery consumption: Mobile Apps are available wherein constant usage of the Mobile Phone’s battery is kept to the minimum.
– Other services provided to the user of the Mobile Application are:
· View own attendance
· File leave applications
· Get reminders of visits
· View details on visits made to a Client.
· View the scheduled visits for the day/week/etc.
· Track distances travelled
For detailed information, refer to the following:

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

How can Facial Recognition Attendance System help industries post Covid?

Facial recognition attendance system is a technology that utilizes the human face as a way to identify and authenticate an individual. It is the most trusted biometric attendance system.

The Covid -19 Pandemic has forced people to change the way they did things earlier and reset priorities. These unprecedented times have called for unprecedented actions not just for survival but in the domain of technology too.

With the economy gradually pulling out of the uncertainty of the last one and a half years, industries are now looking for options for getting back to work in a safer work environment.  And in doing this the basic change would start with the way Employees mark attendance at the entrances.

While the pre-Covid period biometric devices are still being used by a few, others are looking for something contactless, yet fool proof! For this, new technology based Contact Less Facial Attendance Devices are available.

What is a Facial Recognition Attendance System?


Contactless Attendance System has been designed to work as a human mind. We remember people by remembering their faces. Similarly, this system analyses the geometry of your face from the image captured by the camera and matches  68 key features to identify the person.

The four-step process of Capturing, extracting, comparing and matching takes place in less than a second to give you the attendance check right at the gate.

Since identifying a face won’t be enough to ensure Covid-safe environment at the workplace. RSBPL has added a mandatory thermal screening along with Face-mask detection in the machine itself. Any person with higher than normal temperature or any person without face-mask the system will raise an alarm. Thus, making sure the workplace is adhering to Covid guidelines.

What are the benefits of the RSBPL Face Recognition Attendance System?

RSBPL Face Recognition Attendance System checks for temperature and presence of face mask and is the future of attendance marking in corporate world.  Even academic institutions and public facilities will have to adhere to these norms.

Having an automated machine to register clock-in and clock-out timings of employees’, cuts out the manual work for the HR and the time office. Further RS-HRIS can be easily linked to the payroll software for timely and accurate salary roll-out every month.  

This system works 24×7 and gives LIVE data to the Central Server or on Cloud. The recorded punch data is error free and becomes the basis to ascertain the time bound productivity of all Employees.

Added benefits of this system are that it curtails late coming, buddy punching, ghost employees, false overtime, etc. along with  Covid-19 checks – all compactly packed in a sturdy stainless steel covering.

Industries can easily deploy this machine at the entrance, lobbies, production areas or any other place of their choice suiting their requirement. After proper registration without face mask and adequate light on the face, the machine can recognise a face in a large variation of available light- even with the Face Mask on.

For re-opening of the offices and factories in the post COVID-19 it is prudent that such contact-less attendance cum Body temperature machine verifications be deployed.

What industries can use Face Recognition Attendance System?

Face recognition attendance system is the future of corporate world. Not only under the Covid-19 lens but also to fulfil the swelling demand of corporates on increasing productivity. The flexibility with which this system can be deployed at workplace makes it a perfect for productivity monitoring requirements. 

Educational institutions need to spend a large chunk of their academic hours in attendance recording. Installing facial based attendance system at academic institution can help teachers and professors to spend their time on lectures rather than student attendance record collection.

Even Residential Societies are attracted to the idea of installing a face recognition system assuring safety in gated communities. Public administrative departments are also toying with the idea of deploying such machines at public places to ensure safety, easy patrolling and efficiency.  

It is easy to conclude that High Speed, Face Recognition Attendance System is the future of attendance marking. Timely investment in this system would bode well for the Industry.  

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

Enable Employees to do Error-Free and Accurate Work Every Time Always



Mr. Sanjive Mehta, co-founder and director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd. has a very straight forward philosophy which can simply be summed up as ‘First Time Right’.  This is what drives every aspect of his life and especially his company. RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd. Why provide a good solution, when you can provide the best one?This is the driving motto behind every solution, every engagement and every new client relation a this organization.

Being an IIT Delhi alumni, Mr. Mehta brings with him the technical know how and aptitude required to tackle the most unique of challenges. He is joined at the helm by his wife and co-founder, Mrs. Rashmi Mehta, a Delhi University post-graduate, who brings with her tactical acumen and business development knowledge with which she leads the Marketing Team.

RS Barcoders Pvt.Ltd, with 25 years’experience behind them have provided a wide host of solutions including, Hardware and Software integrated Solutions for Human Resource Information Systems (RS-HRIS), Centralized Attendance Tracking Solution (CATS) integrated with Face Recognition, Body Temperature recording and Presence of FaceMask to prevent COVID-19, Field Force Tracker a Mobile Phone App, Fixed Asset Management (RS-FAMS), Smart Warehouse Management System (RS-WMS), Automated Library Management System (RS-LIBMAN), Gate Management System(RS-GMS), Visitor Management System (RS-VMS).

The company has won the Best Innovation Award at the Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Association for two straight years, 2012 and 2013, and then again in 2018, a record achievement unrivalled by any other member of the Association.

Because of the success of their solutions they have often been contacted by clients to create innovative solutions for their unique problems. For instance, the Organ Transplant Management System, Disaster Management System, Cylinder  Tracking System for BOC, in process photography and printing solutions are some of these. Contrary to the box pushers mentality, each solution is designed and customized as per the client requirement.

Some of the prominent projects successfully implemented by this be he moth include a solution for managing the Library at National Gallery for Modern Art, Delhi in 1996; all branches of The Shriram School, Delhi; all branches of JIMS; Fixed Asset Management Tracking System for Citibank, Shriram Pistonsand Rings Ltd; Work-in-Progress with traceability Solution for Escorts Ltd.; a Centralized Attendance Management system for Hero Moto Corp’s Ltd., Polyplex, NEC Corporation, and many more.

The segments they have worked with in the past include Educational Institutions, Manufacturing Units, Hospitals, Pathlabs, Hospitality Sector, Corporates, etc. The distinguishing skill-set of Mr. Mehta and his team includes technical know how of Barcode, Radio Frequency Identification, Biometrics, Facial Recognition, GPRS, Embedded Hardware Design and Software Designing, Development and Testing, etc. All the software are developed in-house, giving them the flexibility and speed of implementation that contributes to a successful solution.

Many of the company’s clients have stuck with the company for the past 25 years. This speaks not only to the success of, the deliverables that were provided by the firm, but also the relationships, and trust that has been developed by each client in the firm’scapabilities. One factor for this, as Mr. Mehta asserts, is that they“design innovative solutions using Hardware and Software, customizing each solution using Auto-Identification Technologies to bring efficiency and make an impact on Client profit-ability”. By bringing in best practices, integrating with existing ERP’sat Client places and simultaneously in corporating existing procedures into the design of the software has made their solutions accept able at alllevels with int he Organizations. Many of their solutions have evolved with time and have been up-graded with the latest technologies available, globally. So whether it is tracking Model-wise assembly points, tracking components, auto-screening Warranty Claims, Monitoring Workforce Attendance,etc. RS Barcoders has been successful in delivering way more than promised.

Mr. Mehta believes that“ Noone wants to do a bad job.With the right tools they can fulfil their desire to do an error free and efficient job. So people should come forward and embrace technology and not shy away from it.”And this is exactly what this headhoncho and his workaholic team strive towards achieving everyday.


Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.