What is the future of the Face Recognition Attendance System for a school?


The newest in security technology, Face Recognition, relies on an individual’s facial geometry for identifying a person. The version of Face Recognition Attendance System has taken a big leap in the post-covid era. Even, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has introduced the feature of Face Recognition alongside fingerprint and iris, reports The Times of India.

Aadhaar card: Face recognition feature set to ensure stronger Aadhaar security; here’s more detail – Times of India

The statistical measurement technology of Face Recognition provides an upper hand for security purposes but what is its role in a school?

The latest loosening of lockdown restrictions has asked schools to open its gates for in-person educational activities, but only on strict terms of following coronavirus restrictions all through. Face Mask detection, normal body temperature check has therefore now become a health priority for schools.

You can read about more blogs on Face Recognition Technology from RSHRIS here: How can Facial Recognition Attendance System help industries post Covid?

And to adhere to these mandates without any hassles, Face Recognition Attendance System is coming handy. With the advancements in technology, it is now possible to maintain a more secure and efficient school environment. There are many ways that this technology can be used to improve security and create a more enjoyable experience for students. One way that has seen a lot of success is using face recognition software.

This software allows school employees and students to enter their classrooms without having to deal with the hassle of key cards and ID cards. It also helps teachers keep track of attendance and monitor who is in the classroom at any time without needing to stand at the door all day. With this modern technology, what does the future hold?

Educational Monitoring through Face Recognition Attendance System


The deployment of this machine in school campus is quickly gaining popularity not just for health and safety reasons but also for educational monitoring purposes. Teachers can utilize this technology to analyze the academic behavior of each student and their teaching techniques depending on its style, topic, or format.

This micro-level of academic analysis can help educators plan a better structure for students, categorizing them according to their interest and response. Facial recognition technology with its advanced features in coming years will provide complete review of student performance within the school campus. What are the good, bad, and needs improvement areas of student performance can all be micro-analyzed giving a better idea to educators and parents to make much more informed decisions for their children.

Teenagers are at a critical age, as they can make or break their future. This is an influencing age where teenagers often step into illegitimate activities with the freedom they get as they grow older. High-School is a breeding ground for these behaviors and movements, and remote analysis with the help of Face Recognition can help identify and stop them before they become a problem. Schools often become a common place to breed such behaviors.

Image recognition technology, a wider spectrum of Face Recognition has become a major part of sports in recent years. By combining the research status of image recognition with the current common motion skills of athletes, researchers have found that they are able to improve the motion recognition effect in sports athletes. You can read about this technology in more detail here (PDF) Automatic detection technology of sports athletes based on image recognition technology

It is a no-brainer the usage of this technology in recent years is only going to escalate. The technology has been widely implemented in various organizations and institutions for security purposes, personal identification, and other applications. But it’s full potential is yet to be used.

Written by:

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

How can schools bring students back to the ‘physical’ classrooms safely?

If you cannot travel without vaccination status in your passport, how can school re-open without noting the vaccination status of its staff members?

Indeed!!!! A valid question that remains to be answered.

Well! The Delhi government is taking drastic measures to make sure that students are safe during the school re-opening. One such measure is the vaccination of all staff members, which is mandatory for all staff members and members of school administration.

But how do schools manage such extensive vaccinated data? Manually? Well, not if the deadline in the school is next year.

The answer is Face Recognition Attendance Management System. This system collects data of all school teaching and non-teaching staff regarding their covid vaccination status. The school administration then takes note of these details and the health status of each and every individual is earmarked in the software.

This software not only tracks our staff, but also records the vaccination data of parents, guardians and anyone who is on the school campus. Staying up-to-date with vaccination data is such a necessity for a social health well-being that upgrading schools to a system that gives vaccination reminders is an absolute blessing.

What is Face Recognition Attendance System?


Face Recognition based attendance is a four-step process of capturing, extracting, comparing and matching of registered faces to mark contactless attendance.

Collecting and presenting school teachers’ and other staff vaccination details to the government and parents can be a tedious task.

You can read more about the technology in our blog here: How can Facial Recognition Attendance System help industries post Covid?

Why is Face Recognition Attendance System so important for schools?


The recent experince of pandemic has brought a lot of awareness to common people about how dangerous infectious diseases can be. And, to minimise the risk of infection circulating again in the community especially in schools one has to look over the entire system.

  • Contactless Attendance
  • 100% compliance of face mask
  • Body temperature check
  • Accessible attendance, vaccination and compliance data
  • Easy to use
  • Cost effective

How the System actually works?


Face Recognition Attendance System uses advanced technology to benefit not just the attendance module but to provide multiple added features to schools.

Vaccination reminders, Live attendance update to teachers, attendance report to parents, bus attendance, registered school pick-ups are some key highlights of this technology.

But, how does system work? Have a read through here:

  • Students, Teachers, School Staff, all visitors will have to present their live face in front of the camera.
  • The machine will recognise the face and present with Name and Student No. along with registered photograph
  • Machine then checks for a face mask, if yes, machine will show recognition with a green light
  • If no face mask, then machine will alert the system with an alarm
  • Machine has the capability of monitoring the body temperature at 50 cm distance. If the temperature is normal, a green signal is shown and the flap barriers will open to allow entry into the school premises.

What are the benefits of using student attendance software?


There are multiple benefits of student attendance software. We have listed out them all here for you:

Online Capture of Attendance: The machine will verify your face and record any event. It will then send the data to a server, where the software will process the data and generate a report. The online report can be used for a number of things, such as class attendance reports, teacher presence reports, and absence reports.

Visitor Management: Welcome to the future, where visiting a location will require nothing more than your mobile device. On arrival, your photo will be captured and uploaded into the visitor registry. Your body temperature and presence of a face mask will be checked, as well as how long you are staying for. If you overstay the present time, the system will automatically report you to the concerned person.

Occupancy Status: •A large LED numeric display can be placed at strategic locations to show the running up-dates on the Total Number of people inside the premises. This display would be updated online.

  • Categorization would be available into Students, Teachers, Visitors, Contractual/etc.

Child Pick- Up: When a guardian, who has been registered on the school’s Flap barrier, wishes to take a student home, they will show their face to the camera. The child’s photograph will then be shown on the screen for verification. If approved, an automatic message will go to the parent about their child’s departure from school.

Children IN and OUT SMS to parents: As soon as the children enter the school, an SMS can go to the parents about the event automatically. This can be made optional, depending upon the parents’ choice.

IN/OUT Monitoring: Parents can log into the Attendance Portal and access a report on their child’s attendance at the school. The school authorities will get an automatic message if a student is late or absent from class.

Bus departure from school: The bus system has each child accounted for. As soon as all the children board the bus in school, the system can send a message to the bus teacher that all the children of that bus are out. That way, she can count kids in the bus and make the bus start.

Black list unwanted people: School administration can block unwanted people. When someone, who is black listed by the school authorities, tries to enter the educational institution they can be stopped right at the gate only.

Assuring government and parents of a high-quality attendance and security compliance is tough. Though, with a smooth system like RSHRIS Online Attendance Management System you can tick mark all the concern with a smile and welcome back student to a safe and secure school campus.

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.

What is a Human Resources Information System (HRIS)? A Full Guide

HRIS Definition


HRIS (Human Resource Information System) is a computerized application that manages all the company’s personnel and payroll-related data. HRIS will include core functionality for managing employee records, implementing company policies, manage recruitment and separation, help in scheduling of company roster, maintaining salary slips, as well as leave policies, and other HR-related data.
Various companies offer HRIS software as per the requirement of the client. RS-HRIS is also a HRIS software with USER EASE OF USE better than any other.

What is unique about RS- Human Resource Information System?


HRIS is often an integral part of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Human Resource Information System is commonly used in various industries specifically in manufacturing and service industries. 
The goal of HRIS is to help managers, executives, and human resources professionals make informed decisions about their employees on a day-to-day task. 
HRIS systems are designed to be user friendly and intelligent in features. HRIS systems once installed are easy to use and provided for basic reporting features. They can streamline the operations of an organization by automating complex processes like human resource administration.
RS-HRIS helps minimize the manual errors. The Attendance machine are PUSH technology based i.e., the device pushes the data on-line to the computer, the software processes the data instantaneously as soon as it arrives and the attendance reports are updated in real time.
RSHRIS has a Field Force Tracking (FFT) solution to manage your field staff. FFT- helps managers track the employees in the field – Sales executives, Service Engineers, Delivery Boys, Field Supervisors, Security Guards, Patient Care Givers, etc. FFT helps managers even assign tasks and get real-time location updates.
An RS-HRIS may be customized to meet the needs of your organization. You might want a system that tracks hours worked differently or different formula of working hours to be applicable to different departments. Whatever your requirement this guide will show you how RS-HRIS works and help you find the perfect option for your company.

Objective of Human Resource Information System


The sole objective of getting an automated, cloud based Human Resource Information System is to bring efficiency in organizations operational tasks.
Human Resources Information Systems along with an automated attendance capturing systems helps to optimise the human resource activities of an organization and increase overall productivity.
These tools usually come with a Free Demos. The demos provide organizations with a chance to learn about the features of the system or systems and create a list of what the systems are capable of doing for the company.
RSHRIS allows demos of all their Solutions.

What are the various HRIS Functions?


HRIS is a huge umbrella that covers a wide range of day-to-day employee activities. This includes Organisation Chart creation, Recruitment, On-

Boarding, Organisational Policies, Attendance , Punctuality, Training, Leave , Tour, Weekly off, Holidays, Shifts, Roster, IN/OUT movement, Field Staff Geo- location tagging, Paydays at end of the month, payroll calculation, PF, ESI, TDS, Bank Statement, Statutory Compliances, etc. Organizations can choose single to multiple HRIS tools as per their requirements. 
Organisation Chart: Basis of all organisations is an organisation chart which defines the various positions in the organisations and their hierarchy, include filled positions and the vacant ones. Based on this the jobs are advertised.
Recruitment: Based on the advertised jobs candidates apply and are called for various levels of interviews and selected.
On-Boarding: The selected candidates are taken through a process where their certificates and other papers are scrutinised and scanned copies are stored in RS-HRIS for future reference. All their other personal data like date of birth, address, father’s name, bank account, etc. are captured.
Organisational Policies: All organisations have specific policies defined for themselves like Weekly off days, Shifts, Grade wise policies, Type of Leaves and leave policy, Relaxation in IN and OUT time, Number of late comings allowed in a month, Half day leave, Punctuality rules, etc. Parameters are set for all these policies in RS-HRIS in the beginning.
Attendance: The bed rock on which RS-HRIS stands is the Online Automatic Capture of Attendance, Automatic processing and generation of reports and Automatic distribution of relevant reports through emails and SMS to all stake holders. All this happens in real time. Management gets to see the attendance of the employees instantaneously as soon as they report for work on their Mobile Phones/ Laptops/ Computers from where ever they are – homes/ on tour/ on holiday/ etc. A large number of Attendance reports Daily, Periodic, Monthly – Present, Late coming, Early going, Hours worked, Overtime, Muster roll, Absenteeism, IN-OUT movement, etc. are available online.
Shifts and Roster: Unlimited shifts can be defined in RS-HRIS. Each shift’s start and end time, relaxations allowed, break shift, lunch breaks, shift starts on day one and ends in day two, etc. are defined one time. Roster making for of all the employees can be made centrally or distributed to the various HODs. Auto- shifts is possible if separate IN and OUT machines are defined. Flexi-shift can also be defined for organisation wanting it.
Training: RS-HRIS can keep track of the trainings imparted to employees. Trainer wise, Training wise and employee wise reports are available
Leaves: Unlimited types of leaves can be defined in RS-HRIS. Various leave rules like number of leaves allowed in a month/ year; accumulation allowed or not; grouping of various types of leaves allowed or not; etc. Employees can apply for leaves themselves, it can be approved by multiple levels.

Solutions offered by HRIS


Field Force Management Solution: enables Geo-tagged attendance capturing of the Field Staff coupled with intelligent Task Management empowering the manager to monitor Field Staff efficiency at each step online.
Paydays at end of the month: The main purpose of RS-HRIS apart from increasing productivity is to provide accurate and authentic paydays at end of the month to ensure timely distribution of salary.
Payroll Management System: Human Resource Information System automates the attendance and the payroll processing making it fast, accurate
and flawless. Apart from payroll calculation, it also provides PF, ESI, TDS, Bank Statement, Statutory Compliances, etc.
Canteen Management: Organisations provide subsidised food to its employees. To ensure that there is no pilferage and food subsidy is properly
utilised the canteen facilities are linked to the Attendance in RS-HRIS.
Visitor Management System: Visitors pose a serious threat to the security of an organisation. Random people can enter to meet employees who might not be even present. Visitor Management System first checks the present status before allowing visitors to enter the premises. It also monitors the time spent by the visitors inside, frequent visitors, Entry and Exit of visitors is monitored to ensure that no visitor (with bad intentions) stays inside after the office hours. 
Web-based Fixed Asset Management System: Company owned assets are issued to employees for their use. To keep track of such assets is very difficult especially with today’s Attrition. RS-FAMS helps organizations track their Fixed Assets with barcodes/ RFID technology.
RS Barcoders for the past 25 years has been leading the industry with its advanced technology and responsive customer service, attracting some of the best companies on board as clients for RS Barcoders.
All of these Solutions are available from RS Barcoders with unique features from the rest of the market. Check out rshris.com for more information.

Benefits of HRIS

A well-used HRIS system can be a boon for both employers and employees. A Centralized Attendance System, for instance, can help erase human error and offer automated attendance across multiple locations. 
Employee Data Management: Human Resource Information System provides a digital database of employee data, which can be used to analyse performance, payroll and other’ organizational mandates.
Compliance: Web-based attendance and management tools help managers check on their employees’ compliance with company policies, bringing a more regulated workplace.
Reports & Analysis: Reporting and analytics are a much rarer module in HRIS systems. But, thanks to modern HRIS systems they create automated HR reports on various topics – like employee turnover, absence, and performance. These analyses thus help managers and leaders to make informed decisions about their employees.
Upgrading your HRIS systems is the need of the hour. This will ensure 100% employee productivity and efficiency through a more modern, streamlined system. Look for the best match of your HRIS systems with RS-HRIS Solution.

Sanjive Mehta

Sanjive Mehta is the director at RS Barcoders Pvt. Ltd., a multiple award-winning HRIS & Automated Technology company. He is an IIT Delhi Alumni and Pioneer in providing Biometrics solutions in India.